OCTOBER 28, 2023 | 8:00 am ET

Welcome to the Women's Conference!


  • 8 AM Breakfast
  • 9 AM Service Begins
  • Prayer
  • Devotion
  • Speaker: Elder Jacqueline Long


Workshops (1st & 2nd Fl)

Health Minute

Speaker: Rev. Audrey Manning

Lunch and Networking


Rev. Dr. Melony Samuels

Host pastor

Workshop: Relationships That Last

Dr. Samuels holds dear to her heart the words of the Apostle Paul as he wrote “Brethren I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”. She sees herself only as a “prisoner” of the Living God and her daily lifestyle is expressed in these words, “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them as dung that I may win Christ.” Her greatest joy is pleasing God, her husband, children and church family.

Rev. Dr. Melony Samuels is the Pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle of Faith Church, located at 1212 East New York Ave, Brooklyn NY, 11212. She is the wife of a loving husband, Bishop Alton Samuels, a mother, grandmother and a servant to those that God has entrusted in her care. She considers herself an ambassador in bonds of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is only through His grace and mercy that she has the victory. God called her from a life of sin and has now fashioned her to complete his will over the past 20 years. Since her call to ministry, she has preached locally and internationally at seminars and conferences dealing with various faucets of Christian living. God has given her the ministry of healing and deliverance and for this she gives Him all the glory.

She was the president of Full Gospel Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary where God gave her the opportunity to work with many believers. Although God has successfully kept her busy through ministry, He still allows her to minister to the needs of vulnerable New Yorkers struggling with food and economic insecurity. Rev. Dr. Melony Samuels is the CEO and Founder of The Campaign Against Hunger, one of the largest and most robust anti-hunger non-profits that was borne out of compassion to assist needy families with food and critical social services. She was instrumental in starting the first client-choice food pantry in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn – an operation that has since blossomed to serve over 14,000 families weekly. The organization impacts over 1.7 million New Yorkers annually.

With all that God has allowed her to accomplished, she sees herself has a mere vessel. She declares, ” It is in Him that she lives, moves and have her being.” She gives thanks to the directions of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit for her ability to continue ministering.

To God be the glory!

Elder Jacqueline Long

Full Gospel Monument of Faith Church


Speaker: My Drought Has Been Erased

Elder Long was born and raised in Newark, NJ; she is one of twelve children born to the late George and Queenie Gibson. Elderess Long is the wife and best friend of Deacon Carl Long Jr. of 36 years, the mother of three biological children and three children she was rewarded by marrying the love of her life. She also has eight beautiful grandchildren, one great grandson.

Elder Long accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior 37 years ago at St. Paul’s Sounds of Praise Church in Newark, NJ. She was spiritually raised at Full Gospel Monument of Faith Church also in, Newark, NJ under the leadership of Bishop Stacy and Pastor Ruth McQueen for the last 36 years.

Elder Long wears many different hats in the ministry and is gifted to carry them out when given the opportunity. Elder Long believes in giving God her very best; she realizes it is nobody but God that gives her the strength and faith to complete every task.

Elder Long has served on numerous ministries over the years, the Usher Board, Missionary Board, Nursing Home ministry, Prison ministry. She currently serves on the Minister’s Board, and she heads the Pastor Aide Committee as well as the Sister’s of Strength (S.O.S.) Woman’s Ministry, Praise and Worship team and teaches Sunday School. However, her greatest love in ministry are souls and ministering on the streets. Elder Long heads the Outreach Ministry at Full Gospel, which has included mission trips, annual street meetings, training the altar workers, and the follow-up teams.

In 2005, Elderess Long answered the call on her life and was ordained a minister, and soon after, she began to evangelize. Because of her commitment to ministry, the word of God and her maturity and leadership in the ministry Bishop McQueen saw the anointing in her life for a higher call in ministry. One Sunday morning in 2009, following the leading of God, Bishop McQueen anointed her Elder.

Through the years Elder Long has received many awards, certificates, training, and recognition, but her greatest reward is seeing souls come to Lord.

Elderess Long continues to evangelize the world for God; knowing that if she remains steadfast unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, that her labor will not be in vain.

Elder Long believes and lives the life of holiness, for she knows that “Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.” Elder Long lives her life by example, she is known at Full Gospel as God’s poster child. Through sickness, hardship, trials, loss, and persecution, you can hear her say, “My come back will be greater than my setback.” She realizes that if God brings her to it, He will bring her through it.

Rev. Audrey Manning

Word of Life International Church of God


Speaker: Divine Encounter, Finalizes the Answer

Evangelist Manning is a native-born Jamaican from the parish of Manchester, the fourth of fourteen children. In search of a preferable way of life, she migrated to Bermuda where she met and married her husband Clifton Manning of forty nine years. God has blessed their union with four children and eight grandchildren.

They relocated to the United States where she gave her life to the Lord and surrendered to his will completely. After years of much growth, the call to “go ye into the world and preach the gospel” was realized. As a result of her unwavering dedication and unselfish commitment to strengthen the families and enriching lives through the preaching of the gospel, many have found new life in Christ including her husband, her mom, her sons, and other family members, and friends. Being persuaded by 2 Timothy 2:15: Study to show thy self-approved unto God,” Evangelist Manning has pursued a deeper understanding of God’s word at several institutions including Theological Seminary in New Jersey, Manhattan Bible Institute in New York, and United Bible College in Orlando FL, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in theology. She also obtained a degree in social work at North Hampton College in Tannersville PA. Evangelist Manning is a licensed chaplain and an ordained minister with the Church of God.

In choosing her as his vessel, the Lord has opened effectual doors of ministry which enable her to evangelize internationally in the United Kingdom, Canada, Bermuda, St Lucia, St Maarten, Africa, Jamaica, and extensively in the United State. Evangelist Manning served as an associate pastor for fifteen at the Praise Temple Church of God in Newark NJ, where Bishop Clive McBean is the senior pastor. Her church activities included but not limited to, Sunday school teacher, Bible study teacher, new convert classes, marriage enrichment ministry, local and district youth director, and evangelism. She is presently serving as director of small groups in Word of Life International Church of God in Atlanta Georgia.

Her passion, love, and creativity toward the things of God are tremendous assets to the body of Christ at large. This is evident in the boundless energy she displays in her enthusiasm for the success of the ministry in her local church and beyond

Like the ideal woman of proverbs 31, Evangelist Manning possesses outstanding Christlike qualities which can be seen in her stand for holiness, her love for others, and her compassion for the lost.

Her life’s goal is embodied in Ephesians chapter 4:11-12: “And he gave some evangelist for the work of the ministry, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the edifying of the body of Christ. A great woman! Her worth is “far above rubies.”

Rev. Debbie Leslie-Campbell

Power of Faith Ministry

Workshop: Fear No Longer Controls Me

Debbie-Ann Leslie Campbell gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1993 and has never looked back. She is an ordained minister of the gospel, Sunday School teacher, and evangelist. She sees herself as an ambassador for Christ and believes God has called her to a life of service and to spread the unadulterated Word to the lost and the dying. She is a wife and mother and has been married to her husband, Peter Campbell, for over 25 years. Together, they served as Assistant Pastor and Pastor of the Bog Walk Power of Faith Ministry for seven years under the leadership of Bishop Dr. Delford Davis and Rev. Dr. Petrova Davis of Power of Faith Ministry International Inc. in Portmore Towncenter, St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I. Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” She lives daily by the words of this scripture because she knows that only Trust in the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ, can allow us to walk in confidence and victory.

Debbie-Ann Leslie Campbell now serves as the Assistant Pastor of the Bronx Power of Faith Ministry, serving alongside her husband and Pastor, Peter Campbell. She is an accomplished social worker, counselor, and minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

She holds a Master of Science in Social Work from Touro University, a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Northern Caribbean University (Jamaica), and a Bachelor of Science in Guidance and Counselling from the MICO University College (Jamaica). She also has a Post Diploma in Education and Training from the Vocational Training Development Institute (Jamaica). Debbie-Ann is a committed Christian serving as the Youth Advisor at the Power of Faith Ministries International – Brooklyn Branch. In her secular work, she serves as a Social Worker at the Institute of Community Living.

Mrs. Leslie-Campbell is a motivational speaker and trainer in soft skills. As a trained social worker and counselor, she brings to the speaker’s platform a wealth of experience, particularly in human behavior and relations. Mrs. Leslie-Campbell has honed many leadership and coaching qualities in various roles and has used these skills to positively impact people within the sphere of her influence. She served as President and later as Advisor of the Power of Faith Youth Department (Portmore Branch, Jamaica) and as the Pastor for the Power of Faith Children’s Church. Her leadership role has also extended to the Youth for Christ organization in Jamaica. She also served as a Lecturer and counselor in the Caribbean Maritime Institute’s Pre-College Programme (Jamaica). Debbie-Ann believes in giving back and volunteers as a counselor at the Power of Faith Ministries, Brooklyn Assembly.

Shirniece Farrell, NP

Wyckoff Heights Medical Center

Health Minute

Shirniece is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner. In 2022, she graduated from Long Island University with a Master of Science-Family Nurse Practitioner degree.

She has been employed at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center as a Registered Nurse for the last five years.

She is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and expanding her knowledge to provide her patients with the highest care possible.


Relationships That Last

Health Minute